Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Day 7 - Man eating wasps to free hotel rooms; the adventure never stops!

Day 7 of the patella dairies...strong and sturdy my patella reigns supreme...whoops, wrong dairy

Day 5: Antelope Canyon was amazing, but crowded. Check out our photo gallery for great new photos. After our tour we drove down to the Grand Canyon and played tourist as kyla is not allowed below the canyon rim. Just before sunset we found a nice free campsite in the National Forest outside the National Park.

Day 6: We awoke to twin otters flying overhead and elk pooping near by. A twin otter is not two otters flying, but rather an airplane with double turbine prop engines used for Grand Canyone sight seeing tours. While Renata and Kyla were up and ready to go at the ass crack of dawn, Ted selpt till noon. Well, not actually noon, but more like eight when Renata and Kdog forced him out of the truck with their Elk poop persuasion. Best leave the rest to imagination... We arrived in the quaint historic town of Flagstaff Arizona around 10:30am. After picking up some more camping fuel, two delicious hot dogs from a street vendor, and a cheap (very cheap) climbing book, we embarked on our afternoon woodland adventure... A full description of this afternoon's endover can be found in your local bookstores and is entitled "How to Get Lost in the Arizona Wilderness with out a Map, Compass or Food, and Still Manage to Find a Great Rock Climbing Site Before Dark, Part I." By Kyla Roxbury. Needless to say, we arrived by to camp with only minor wounds, nothing a big camp fire and some beer couldn't fix.

Day 7: Part II. Another beautiful morning in a secluded and free campsite. After a simple breakfast we set out again to conquer the great wall of doom! Dispite our high spirit's, strong wills and sturdy patella's, the gale force winds and man eating wasps destroyed our hopes for the summit and we were forced to retreat, well, actually run for our lives. Due to the graphic nature of todays events no photos will be available for this section. After our second epic adventure we drove south to Sedona, AZ. While avoiding the man eating wasps and we fell into the seductive clutches of the rare and elusive Wyndham Vacation Resort Salesman. We emerged from this battle triumphantly, avoiding the million dollar timeshare purchase and scoring a free hotel room. Thus, electricity and wireless internet access. SHOWER!!! Thats it for now, talk to ya'll soon.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Day 5 - Arizona

Page, Arizona:
We arrived in Page last night after two and a half wonderful days around Moab Utah. In the past 3 days we have done three excellent hikes, soaked in some hot springs, visited Arches National Park, and explored the Moab area.

The diamond fork hot springs were amazing! When we arrived there was a group of teenagers soaking, but they soon left and we had the hot springs to ourselves (mostly, there is actually a funny story to go with this, remind us to tell you later). It was about an hour hike to them, but well worth it.

Two nights ago we camped in the La Sal Mountains. We had a beautiful campsite all to ourselves and made a nice fire to warm up by as the cool evening air settled in. The temperature difference between 4,500 feet and 7,500 feet is amazing. The our first night we camped in Moab and it was about 50 at night. When we camped in the mountains it got down to 25 F.

Last night we camped in a nice quite camp ground just outside of Page. Today we are planing to visit Antelope Canyon on a photography tour. Hopefully we'll get some awesome photos. O, don't forget to check out our photo gallery from the trip, we are trying to up date it every three days or so. It can be found at the following link:

Thats it for now, talk to you all soon.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Day 2 - Sunshine!

We woke up to a beautiful day. Blue skies, and calm wind. This is how I imagined leaving Alta, and we're off.

We are headed to Diamond Fork hot springs, which is about a 1.5 hour hike from Spanish Fork, Utah. Talk to ya'll soon!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Day 1 - Snow!

Alta, Utah:
The truck is packed, the house is clean, and we are still here. It snowed 14 inches today and cleaning the house took longer than expected. We are excited for the jouney ahead and are planing to go to Spanish Fork tomorrow to soak in some hot springs. More to come!

Road Trip Photos

Check out our road trip photos.